My name is Ed Fraser, the owner and operator of Fraser’s Garlic Farm, which is located southwest of Rochester, NY. We grow garlic for planting (seedstock), and for eating (culinary).
Since 1993, Fraser’s Garlic Farm has been providing several varieties of high quality, safe, nutrient rich, organic and natural garlic to gardeners, farmers’ markets, CSA’s, restaurants and seed companies throughout the U.S.
We firmly believe that the food on your table is only as good as the soil from which it is grown… it’s as simple as that. This is why we’re dedicated to maintaining the health of our soil using sustainable organic farming methods. Additionally, healthy soil reduces the incidence of disease and insect pressure which means we are able to provide a very nice product grown in a chemical free environment.
As a farmer, I also enjoy teaching people how to grow, harvest, store and use garlic. If you’d like to learn more about growing garlic or about sustainable farming in general, you may call me or email at frasergarlic@rochester.rr.com to arrange for a 3-hour consultation session that I provide during the winter months when things are a bit slower.
If you are primarily interested in purchasing certified organic (OG), certified naturally grown (CNG) or sustainably grown (SG) seed garlic, you may order off of this website, email or call me at (585) 350-8295.